I spent far too long of my first few years training, constantly chasing being lean.
Probably to the point it left a lot of strength, development & gains on the table.
Coming from being overweight when I was younger & never “in shape” (by my standards), I was constantly obsessed with being at a lower bodyfat, further fed into when I started working in the fitness industry, I felt I needed a constantly lean physique to “walk the walk”, it becomes my identify, false sense of satisfaction and severely underwhelming purpose.
It’s something I feel isn’t spoken about enough only to now in recent years have done a 360 and I appreciate performance, a holistic approach, and what my body can do, not JUST how it looks a lot more.
I get more pleasure & pride now from a PB run, or lift, than a lower body fat %, it means more.
Not to discredit anyone with aesthetic goals, as that takes hard work and graft too, don’t let anyone take that away from your one goal.

One of the biggest myths out there that limits young guys' progress in the gym is that they need to be lean to gain muscle.
That’s horseshit.
Iv posted on my progress and COUNTLESS clients Iv coached that have gained strength, performance, AND gotten leaner, with the right setup, nutrition, programming & guidance.
Stop spending all of your youth & teen years in a deficit, it’s important & good to fuel your body to perform, grow, and develop fully.
As long as you're wasting adequate calories of good quality food relative to your output & goals, you do have the ability to grow muscle AND shape up simultaneously (known as body recomposition - what should be the goal with performance).
It’s not as simple as “bulk, or cut”.
If you're in your first 1-3, maybe even 5 years lifting, you shouldn’t be even asking those questions, enjoy your movement, train hard, safely with structure and you will thank yourself for it now, and later.